Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki

I thought the days of Mangle gender debates were bad enough but there are more than ever now.

  • Bite of 83 v Bite of 87
  • Is Golden Bonnie male or female?
  • That thing in the tease has to/can't possibly be Nightmare Bonnie/Springtrap.

Look, I get it that it's fun to debate some things. But at a certain point, you're beating a dead horse. (Or in Mangle's case, the pulverized rotting meat of what one could have resembled a horse.) There are no definitive answers to any of these (well, for most of them but people always want to make more out of something than it really is) that we can say for certain which answer is right. In regards to the teasers, there's totally going to be more information available. We'll eventually have an answer on what's in the new teaser. We'll eventually know what Golden Bonnie's gender is. I mean, that much should be obvious. So can we quite having these asinine, at-length debates on which side of this is right? You're not getting any sort of medal if you're on the correct side here.
