Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki

New cast:

Good Demopan as Wattopan

Mangledmeddlingmetal as Captain Mangled

Baconz1 as Mace Bacondu

Meanwhile, on the planet of Baconaboo.

Queen Amidala(also known as Aki Amidala) is speaking with Dary Gunray via hologram, about her disapproval with the Baconaboo blockade.

"Mister Gunray, I have had enough with this blockade and the suffering my people are taking."

"Ah,don't worry. I'm sure they wouldn't have done it without permission from the Senate."

"Then what about the ambassadors that the Chancellor sent?"

"No word has been heard.In fact,they haven't even arrived."

The Queen was startled by this unexpected news. What had happened to Qui-Eagle and Obi-Tom? But because she could ask that question,Gunray cuts off communications. She then decides to contact Senator Springy.

"Sir, it appears Gunray has claimed he hasn't gotten any ambassadors, let alone neogotiate with them."

"What? I am pretty sure the Chancellor said that her ambassadors did arrive. Why makes you thi--tha--......"

The hologram shorted out.Queen Amidala knew that the shorting out of communications is the first sign of an invasion from the Bacon Trade Organization.

To be continued...
