Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki

So i decided 2 rite a stori

Am sowwy for bad spelling guyz :(


Umm Hello guys and welcome to htis blog umm so i know this is not a song but... Im a rlly big fan of forsen umm and i just want to say that i love you forsen and bplz never go and never leave us cuz we aill always be there for you but just to let you know plz just whoot on this song just so i can get some likes bxus yusually everyubody hates me and i cannot doeanything about this plz guys dony med this cuz u know it rlly huts my feelings when pp repress meh so plz dont dot that i will rlly be sas but forsen keep doing what youre doing i rlly love you but i cannot donate cuz i have no money and i live in the street .... jfgkdfjjg and forsen if you dont take this message personal bye. forsen im gonna leave you now but always keep in moind that we all love you forsen we all love we love you we rlly do trust me you dont have to ever worry we all love you.






This is a true storrry written :( and itz really sad

if u think this iz sad say FeelsBadMan

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