Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki

I wanted to share this with humans! And/Or child-killing robots! Uh... here. It has a dumb name. It's called Juggles and Liz. But... the thing is I've put a lot of thought into it, and I wanna see what theories you guys come up with, so here. 5 quotes for the theories!

"And...he might come back. Who knows? He might get revenge he might not. I know what I'm doing. And it's good business."

-William Afton

"I'm sorry. It was all Bill's idea. Bonu, Juggles, Liz, I had no idea! I'm sorry. Forgive me. I never knew it. He's dead now..."

-Henry Davidson

"There were both copycats. I don't see why anyone wanted me out of the picture. And, yeah. I know for a fact that they wanted my fame gone. Maybe it was because his son died. Henry, I'm so SORRY for you!"

-John Hurricane

"It's me again, father. I found you, then lost you. I know reach. but the monster...again..just keeps just...coming, and coming, and coming and you know it. Your part of it. I know you survived. I was told you were him. The interviewer. It feels...right.. a fitting conclusion. But no. There's...more."

-Micheal Afton

Last one coming soon! (: (sorry if it sounds cringy)
