Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki

Is Five Night's at Freddy's truly done?

I believe the answer is simple. No.

That's right. No.

If anything, I believe at this point; this fandom has taken so many blows and strikes and it's been beaten, but I honestly don't think it's the end of it. There are some fandoms that last for real long periods of time, even after it's all over. This fandom I believe is a case like that.

Why FNAF will continue is because of US. Scott by this point, i'm not sure anymore. He seems like he's truly done, but here and there he could do something FNAF related. It doesn't need to be FNAF 5. Just something related to it. Where he goes, it's up to him though. These games just had so much explosions of popularity. And now, this seems like the end.

I feel like this is only just a new light in this period of time. Undertale happened. And you know, as much as I love Undertale to death and all it's chars [ loveyasans- ] it's slowly fallin down into the pits what became FNAF. Most, if not all the cancerous fans latched onto Undertale, and forgot about this. There's fans out here I know that. I almost feel like Undertale was a god send to get all these rabid young fans away from FNAF. 

Scott is most likely done, but if there are true hardcore FNAF fans out there. And I know there are that love these games, characters, ideas and concepts as much as I do...then FNAF will never die in my opinion. There are so many OC's...RPs...Fangames... so much stuff created by the fandom and you guys that'll keep it going. This fanbase hopefully has no more cancer anymore after some more time, and the cancer spreads onto Undertale fully. As sad as it is to see Undertale go down that far like FNAF, this is different for FNAF and us as fans. This is just a way to break off from all the madness this fandom had and to reinvent this fandom into something better.

As long as the fandom stays strong and the fancontent keeps coming...the amazing roleplays and OC's and ideas keep developing... [irpmyselfsometimesonere-] FNAF won't be over for a LONG LONG time. We've still got a movie on the way, and maybe by that time they're won't be cancer at all in this fanbase.

Hell, i'm just posting my personal thoughts on the thoughts of FNAF ending. I've been around FNAF since it first ever came out in 2014, and still love it to death ever since the first game, and will continue to be here. How do you guys feel about what I had to say, and what are your guys opinions?
